
Check out the 'machines' page for details on all the current hardware.

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The latest version of Bogart for Windows, that works on Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10 & 11 , B4W v13, is now with us. Keep an eye on the news page for more details of product specifications and update prices or go to the Software page to download v13 in full or DEMO form.

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Sister site

This site will deal mainly with Bogart for Windows machines and software. We will have links to download and try B4W and additional software and useful video links on how it all works as well as details on the series 4 machines.
Our Sister site, at Dalco, will cover not only B4W but all the Bogart and Smart Edit devices and software too including download links and help and advice.


What we offer

We deal with service and software for the range of Casablanca video editors from the Avio right up to the Bogart 4 Windows Saphir. Based to the west of London we offer good coverage to the local M25, M4 and M40 areas, but can travel further if required. Due to the vast nature, and complexity, of some of the services that we offer this web site can never contain enough information, without getting over loaded, to cover all eventualities. So therefore please phone or use our contact form, to discuss any requirements that you think that we can help you with. It may be old fashioned in this techno era - but it works.
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